sponsor athena…
…and show your support for women’s motorcycling and for victim survivors of domestic violence.
Full Throttle
$2,000 Sponsorship
What we offer as gratitude…
Full page ad in Athena booklet
"Thank you to our sponsor" + 50-word bio read at the start of an evening event
Click-through brand display on website
Brand display on general thank you board
Brand display on evening event signage
"Thank you to our sponsor" social media post
Optional: free Athena registration for up to 2 female representatives
Optional: free vendor table in Athena HQ (reservations are required due to a limited number of table spaces available)
Rev’d up
$1,000 Sponsorship
What we offer as gratitude…
Half page ad in Athena booklet
"Thank you to our sponsor" + 50-word bio read at the start of a workshop
Click-through brand display on website
Brand display on general thank you board
Brand display on workshop signage
"Thank you to our sponsor" social media post
Optional: free Athena registration for 1 female representative
Optional: free vendor table in Athena HQ (reservations are required due to a limited number of table spaces available)
$500 Sponsorship
What we offer as gratitude…
Quarter page ad in Athena booklet
Click-through brand display on website
Brand display on general thank you board
Optional: free Athena registration for 1 female representative